Spring Flower Sale
Important Sales Info & Dates
Orders Due: TUESDAY, MAY 2nd
Orders should be placed per family, not per student
Families with sales totaling $100 or more will receive a Dress Down Day (Main Campus) or PJ Day Pass (Preschool) for all students in that family.
Orders will be grouped by family for pickup - no individuals please
Pick-up Procedures: Pickup will take place on May 13th from 10AM - 12PM. Car can line up outside the doors of the St. Michael School gym building (on the south end of the school parking lot).
PLEASE NOTE: This is the only pickup time that is available. If you are unable to pick up during this time we suggest asking someone to pick up your order. Unclaimed orders will be will be labeled and left under the awning near the school doors. PTU cannot be responsible for mums that are not picked up during the pickup time.