PTU Read-a-Thon Fundraiser
This year we are launching a NEW fundraiser that not only supports our school but also supports each student's personal reading development goal. This fundraiser will be supporting teacher and classroom needs such as technology and school programs, books and learning materials, as well as school improvements. Our Read-A-Thon will run from October 30th through November 10th.
Read Read Read!!! Our Read-A-Thon is now open until November 10th! Have your readers find that good book, read, read, read, and donate to the PTU! We have many good field trips and school programs coming up! A portion of our fundraising dollars will be used for Library programs. SHARE with family, friends, and neighbors too!
We will keep you updated on our progress! MANY THANKS!
How It Works:
Make a pledge to encourage reading and raise money for our school. Our Read-A-Thon will be based on school-wide reading during classroom and library times and reading is done at home!! Students can read or be read to!
Two Ways to Make a Pledge:
1. FLAT DONATION - You can sponsor a student with a flat amount.
2. PLEDGE PER MINUTE - You can pledge an amount for minutes read. For example, students will be reading 60 minutes during the Read-A-Thon. If you sponsored a student for 25 cents, you would owe .25 * 60 minutes = $15.
Cash, check (made out to St. Michael PTU) and credit card payments done right online through our SMS Read-A-Thon fundraising page will be accepted. Cash and checks can be sent through the school mail to Zach Delmore 7-213.
Your Student's Pledge Page:
Simply find your student's name (listed by teacher name and grade), make a donation for whatever you can, and share your participant's link with friends and family. We are shooting for 100% participation so no amount is too small.